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时间2023-10-10 17:01:11



For more than 200 years Luddites have received bad press—worse even than the British Members of Parliament who voted in 1812 to put to death convicted machine-breakers. Yet even at the time, the aggrieved weavers won popular sympathy, including that of Lord Byron. In an "Ode to Framers of the Frame Bill" the poet wrote: "Some folks for certain have thought it was shocking/ When Famine appeals, and when Poverty groans/ That life should be valued at less than a stocking/ And breaking of frames lead to breaking of bones." He used his maiden speech in the House of Lords to urge for a mixture of "conciliation and firmness" in dealing with the mob, rather than lopping off its "superfluous heads."

200多年来,勒德分子一直接收到负面报道——甚至比1812年投票将被定罪的机器破坏者处死的英国议员还要糟糕。然而,即使在当时,受害的织布工也赢得了公众的同情,包括拜伦勋爵的同情。在《给框架法案的制定者的颂歌》中,这位诗人写道:“有些人肯定认为这是令人震惊的/当饥荒来袭,当贫困呻吟/生命的价值应该低于一只袜子/而框架的破坏导致了骨头的断裂。” 拜伦勋爵在上议院的首次演讲中呼吁在处理暴民问题上采取“和解与坚定”相结合的方式,而不是砍掉暴民们“多余的脑袋”。

Once again, technological upheaval is rife and there is a widespread feeling, even among the patrician classes, that the old ways are in danger of being trampled under foot by the march of progress. In America two big labour disputes—one looming, the other well under way—are, among other things, grappling with potentially seismic transformations caused by decarbonisation and artificial intelligence (AI).


The United Auto Workers (UAW) union, representing employees of Ford, General Motors and Stellantis (maker of Chrysler and Fiat), is threatening a strike when labour contracts end on September 14th. As well as fighting for sharply higher pay, one of its goals is to extend wages and other benefits offered in conventional car manufacturing to people working on electric vehicles (EVs), the production of which typically uses more robots and fewer blue-collar workers.




battle/ˈbæt(ə)l/ n. 战斗;

heat up 升温;

Luddite/ˈlʌdaɪt/ n. 反对新技术(或新工作方法)的人;勒德分子(十九世纪初英国手工业工人中参加捣毁机器的人);

bad press 负面报道;

Parliament/ˈpɑːrləmənt/ n. 英国议会;

put to death 处死;

convicted/kənˈvɪktɪd/ adj. 被定罪的;

machine-breaker/məˈʃiːn ˈbreɪkər/ n. 破坏机器者;

aggrieved/əˈɡriːvd/ adj. 受害的;受委屈的;

weaver/ˈwiːvər/ n. 织布工;

sympathy/ˈsɪmpəθi/ n. 同情;

ode/oʊd/ n. 颂诗;颂歌;

framer/ˈfreɪmər/ n. 制造者;制定者;

folk/foʊk/ n. 人们;

maiden speech 首次演讲;
